Framing Strategic Value por meio de Design-Led Innovation Practice

Sobre o Artigo: Em projetos colaborativos universidade/indústria, foi observado que o valor estratégico evolui durante os projetos e identifica a geração de ideias como um meio de adicionar valor e evidenciar que design leva a inovação. A identificação de “value-frames” permite que a equipe acadêmica tenha mais interesse em alinhar o foco do projeto aos objetivos do parceiro industrial, aumentando assim o potencial de impacto do projeto.
Palavras-chave: design orientado a valor, educação em design, inovação …continue com o Download do Artigo.
Autores: Mark Bailey, Nicholas Spencer, Neil Smith, Mersha Aftab, Christopher Knott, Phil SamsPublicado: MundoPM - Ago/Set-2018
Pág. 54-63
::: Autor do artigo

Mark Bailey
Mark Bailey is Director of Learning and Teaching in Industrial Design at Northumbria University UK. He leads design-led innovation research and practice activities at Innovate (an off-campus innovation hub), and a number of business/research partnerships. He has also established and co-leads the Responsible Innovation Practice research group. He teaches...

Nicholas Spencer
Dr Nicholas Spencer is Programme Leader for the MA/MSc Multidisicplinary Innovation degree at Northumbria University, UK. In this role Nicholas helps to develop international educational partnerships that develop new forms of innovation for external commercial and third sector organizations through novel academic, student and community co-creation. Nicholas’ first degree...

Neil Smith
Neil Smith is Head of Industrial Design at Northumbria University, UK and has been involved in Higher Education teaching at Northumbria for the past 25 years. He has also worked for over 30 years within the product design industry, leading design and development projects both in-house and as a...
Mersha Aftab
Dr Mersha Aftab is Senior Lecturer in Innovation Design at Northumbria University, UK and teaches MA Design, MA Design Management and MA/MSc Multidisicplinary Innovation. Coming from an Undergraduate background in Fashion and Information Technology from the National Institute of Fashion Technology in India, Mersha worked as a Visual Merchandiser for...

Christopher Knott
Christopher Knott is a doctoral researcher at Northumbria University, UK, exploring value-creation in design-led innovation practices. With a Bachelor degree is in Business and Marketing, Chris then followed this with postgraduate study in Education at Durham University, UK and Multidisciplinary Innovation at Northumbria.

Phil Sams
Dr Phil Sams is the founder of Whitespace Stories, a consultancy business exploring relationships between the arts and science. Phil is a scientist whose background is industrial chemistry, with a long career as research scientist and “research entrepreneur” with Unilever. His reputation is as a catalyst for, and champion...