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Percent Complete Fields in Primavera P6

08 05 2012

A novidade que trazemos hoje para vocês é o e-book Percent Complete Fields in Primavera P6 escrito pelo Mr. Nader Khorrami Rad, PMP, e que trata sobre como o Primavera P6 faz a realização de cálculos de percentual nos mais diversos campos disponíveis. Abaixo, segue um trecho da introdução o livro, para fazer download, basta acessar o link: en.khorramirad.info/primavera-p6-percent-completes

Anyone who has used Primavera P6 before might have at least some minor problems understanding the way different percent complete fields are calculated and related to each other. This software supports many different kinds of percent completes and many different kinds of relationships between them in order to cover all of your needs. In this book, the whole structure of the percent complete fields will be discussed, and I hope that you find the answer to all of your related questions.

You need to know many other things to be able to prepare a professional plan (e.g. the synchronization of duration, units and cost) that are not discussed here.

You may also find some other percent complete fields that are not discussed here because they do not play any role in the main structure of the progress measurement and are used for other purposes.

In the next few pages, you will be presented with a detailed diagram of the percent complete fields. This diagram shows allthe relationships needed to understand the system. The diagram might seem complicated in the first place, but I’m sure that you will better understand and find it easy when you go through the book.

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