The Smart Mission: NASA’s Lessons for Managing Knowledge, People, and Projects

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O projeto é a unidade básica de trabalho para muitas das maiores e mais complexas organizações do mundo. Quer o resultado final seja um aplicativo de software, vacina antiviral ou nave espacial, muito trabalho hoje é feito no nível do projeto. Em um sentido muito real, vivemos em um mundo de projetos. Dos filmes de grande sucesso à produção de energia, o projeto é a unidade de organização de uma parcela significativa da atividade econômica global.
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Autores: Edward J. Hoffman, Laurence Prusak, Matthew KohutPublicado: MundoPM nº 104 - Abr/Mai-2022
Pág. 41-55
::: Autor do artigo

Edward J. Hoffman
Edward J. Hoffman, currently CEO of Knowledge Strategies, LLC, and Senior Lecturer at Columbia University, was NASA’s first Chief Knowledge Officer and founder of the NASA Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL). Following the Columbia shuttle failure, he led the team that designed the Strategic Management and Governance...

Laurence Prusak
Laurence Prusak, former strategy consultant to Hoffman at NASA, is Senior Lecturer in the Information and Knowledge Strategy graduate program at Columbia University and the coauthor of Working Knowledge, a widely cited text about how knowledge works in organizations, and other books.

Matthew Kohut
Kohut is a former major communication advisor to NASA, and is coauthor of Compelling People: The Hidden Qualities That Make Us Influential, named one of Amazon’s Best Business Books of 2013 Leads the communications team for the ASA Academ of Program/Project Engineering eadership e serves as the editor of...