Os desafios e as melhores práticas para gestão de programas e projetos governamentais

Os governos financiam projetos e programas para obter crescimento nacional e implementar os objetivos de longo prazo. Em razão de diferentes metas, objetivos e circunstâncias em que essas iniciativas se desenrolam, ocorrem implicações que, muitas vezes, são verdadeiros desafios e complexidades adicionais, causando elevadas taxas de insucesso. O objetivo desta pesquisa é fornecer uma melhor compreensão das características-chave de projetos…LEIA MAIS
Publicado: MundoPM - Out/Nov 2014
Pág. 22
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Peerasit Patanakul
Dr. Peerasit Pa- tanakul is an Associate Professor of Management at Pennsylvania State University, Erie. His research interests include project port- folio management, multiple project ma- nagement, strategic project management, and managing government projects. He has been engaged in several research projects, including buil- ding a strategic system approach...

Young Hoon Kwark
Dr. Young Hoon Kwak is an Associate Professor at The George Washington University School of Business in Washington, D.C. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Engineering and Project Management as well as Management of Technology (MOT) Certificate, all from the University of California at Berkeley. He currently holds...

Ofer Zwikael
Dr. Ofer Zwikael is an Associate Professor in the Research School of Management at the Australian Na- tional University. His research focuses on the selection, management and evaluation of projects. The recipient of the International Project Management Association’s Outstanding Research Contributions Award, Dr. Zwikael is the author of two...