Grandes Projetos de Infraestrutura – Case NETLIPSE na Europa

Este artigo apresenta a rede Netlipse (Network on the Management and Organization of Large Infrastructure Projects in Europe), criada pela comunidade europeia com os objetivos de promover o compartilhamento de conhecimento e de experiências entre suas organizações constituintes e permitir a avaliação de grandes projetos de infraestrutura (LIPS – Large Infrastructure Projects). Ao longo do artigo, os autores apresentarão as atividades executadas pela rede e as ferramentas utilizadas. De especial relevância, será apresentada a ferramenta IPAT (Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool), criada para avaliação de LIPS ao longo do ciclo de vida dos projetos.
Publicado: MundoPM - Ago/Set 2011
Pág. 8
::: Autor do artigo

Marcel Hertogh
PhD, PMP Marcel Hertogh studied Civil Engineering at the Delft University of Technology, and at the Erasmus University, Economics. Together with Eddy Westerveld he completed his PhD ‘Playing with Complexity’ on management of large infrastructure projects. Currently he is a member of the board of AT Osborne B.V. in...

Pau Lian Staal-Ong
Pau Lian Staal-Ong is senior consultant project and process management at AT Osborne B.V., an independent management and consultancy firm in The Netherlands. Since 1999 she has been working for principals in large infrastructure projects and mostly the public environment. As a business consultant she helps organisations during change...

João Alberto Vianna Tavares
MSc, MBA, PMP, SCPM Vianna Tavares has been involved on Project, R&D and Engineering Systems Management for more than 16 years. Currently, he is the NETLIPSE country representative for Brazil and Program Manager at Wiretech. He has a wide experience on managing large and complex projects, including naval propulsion...