DesignOps – Amplificando o Valor das Práticas de Design
Sobre o Artigo: Dado a importância que Design tem representado para inovação nas organizações e impacto nos negócios, compilamos a opinião e definições de alguns autores sobre novas estruturas de execução de design como o DesignOps.
Palavras-chave: Design & Operação, Práticas de Design …continue leitura fazendo download do Artigo.
Autores: Redação MundoPM, Collin Whitehead, Davi Malouf, Gustavo Correia, Fabricio TeixeiraPublicado: MundoPM - Fev/Mar-2020
Pág. 68-73
::: Autor do artigo
Redação MundoPM
Equipe de redatores da Revista Project Design Management.
Collin Whitehead
Head of Brand Studio and UX Writing at Dropbox : Public speaker : Startup Advisor.
Davi Malouf
Design Operations Leader. Speaker. Educator. I help organizations get the most out of their investment in their design practice through consulting, coaching, and instruction. My focus areas are in Design Operations, Design Management, Interaction Design, Service Design, and Qualitative Research.
Gustavo Correia
Innovation strategist and service design geek. Business Strategist by formation and Designer by choice. Founder of Service&Co, a collective of service and business designers in Brazil. Masters in Strategic Planning for Sustainability by the Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden with a passage through INSEAD in France. Proud AIESEC...
Fabricio Teixeira
Design Director at Work & Co / Founder of UX Collective