As origens dos métodos ágeis e iterativos
Sobre o Artigo:
Os métodos ágeis e o desenvolvimento iterativo e incremental (IID) atraíram atenção significativa nos últimos anos. Eles são amplamente aplicados em muitas indústrias bastante diferentes de suas origens, desde manufaturas ao desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação. Métodos ágeis e IID fazem parte de um rico fluxo de pesquisa e prática que pode ser rastreado até a década de 1930, mas muito dessa história foi perdida na retórica recente sobre esses métodos. O objetivo deste artigo é consolidar as muitas correntes de pesquisa e prática que contribuíram para as formas Agile e IID de gerenciamento de projetos.
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Autores: Julien Pollack, ANDREW WHITELEY, PETR MATOUSPublicado: MundoPM nº 103 - Fev/Mar-2022
Pág. 63-73
::: Autor do artigo
Julien Pollack
Ph.D., is a Senior Lecturer in the post-graduate Project Management Program at the University of Technology, Sydney. He researches trends in project management research, and ways of extending project management practice to meet the needs of complex projects, particularly through the use of using systems thinking and change management...
Andrew J Whiteley has broad international experience introducing, supporting and upgrading financial reporting and analytics, and core banking system capabilities that service institutional diversified finance sectors. Additionally, Andrew has participated in the development of multiple business cases for improving economic baseload power generation capacity for Pacific island nations. Andrew...
Dr. Petr Matous is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Project Management and an associate Dean in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sydney. He researches, lectures, and consults with Australian, Japanese and international organisations in the fields of network science and international development projects. He...