Young Hoon Kwark

Dr. Young Hoon Kwak is an Associate Professor at The George Washington University School of Business in Washington, D.C. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Engineering and Project Management as well as Management of Technology (MOT) Certificate, all from the University of California at Berkeley. He currently holds a guest research professor position at faculty of economics and business administration at Ghent University in Belgium.Dr. Kwak currently serves as specialty editor (associate editor) for the case studies section of the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, associate editor for Journal of Management in Engineering, and on the editorial board for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Project Management, Project Management Journal, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, and Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management.Dr. Kwak is a recipient of multiple research grants sponsored by the Project Management Institute (PMI), IBM Center for The Business of Government, and others. He received the 2008 International Project Management Association (IPMA) Outstanding Research Contributions Award based on PMI’s research titled “Impact on Project Management of Allied Disciplines”. Dr. Kwak consults and lectures worldwide and has over 80 presented and published papers in the area of strategic issues of project management, project control, and project performance evaluation and improvement. For more information, please visit his web page.