Matthew Kohut

Kohut is a former major communication advisor to NASA, and is coauthor of Compelling People: The Hidden Qualities That Make Us Influential, named one of Amazon’s Best Business Books of 2013
Leads the communications team for the ASA Academ of Program/Project Engineering eadership e serves as the editor of the AS the Academ e-newsletter and oversees the development of the Academ ’s case studies about ASA projects e has 20 ears experience writing about scienti c, technical, and quantitative subjects for both general and expert audiences e has also written for the U S Department of Energ , arvard Universit , the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and Princeton Surve Research Associates International e previousl served as a speechwriter and researcher for Professor oseph e of arvard enned School e holds a Masters in Public Administration from arvard enned School and a A from the riting Seminars at ohns op ins Universit