Gerard Hill

Is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and speaker; and Principal of the Hill Consulting Group. He has conceived and constructed project management office (PMO) and project management methodology solutions that have been deployed in business organizations around the world. His recent publications include: The Complete Project Management Office Handbook, 2nd Edition (Auerbach Publications/ Taylor & Francis, 2007, 752pp), and The Complete Project Management Methodology and Toolkit (Tools on CD) (CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis, 2010, 520pp). Mr. Hill served ESI International as Vice President of Technical Services. His recent work includes development of the new matrix-based, ProjectPRISM™ Project Management Methodology, and this has been introduced in his new project management methodology publication. He has refined an approach to “PMO design and implementation” in a workshop based on the content of his first PMO Handbook publication. In recent years, Mr. Hill has chaired two annual and national-scope Project Portfolio Management conferences in the U.S.