Earl Glenwright Jr

Career spans 40+ years in construction project scheduling. Earl is certified as a Planning and Scheduling Professional [PSP] by the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International [AACEi]. He is currently active with the PMI-College of Scheduling, and the AACEi Planning and Scheduling Committee. He frequently gives presentations at their annual conferences. He is BS in Civil Engineering, Penna. State University, 1956. Registered Professional Engineer, State of Colorado. MBA, University of Colorado, 1968. Earl has been active in the Project Management Institute for 30+years which has included several years when he was part of a team that presented the “Time & Cost” training at the annual seminar-symposiums. He was a member of the initial PMBoK Guide Project Team, the 2000 update team, and a member of the project team that prepared the 3rd edition. He will also be involved with the 4th Edition.