The Big Data Project Manager: Schedule Risk and Project Control

Controlling projects using Earned Value Management has become a standard in managing and measuring the performance of project portfolios. It has been used for both large and small projects in various sectors, and has been subject to a lot of research. However, despite its widespread use, there are still major opportunities to further enhance the knowledge of this project management control system.
This 1-day workshop gives an overview of the research and professional experience on Integrated Project Management and Control using planning and data analysis techniques from Project Management. In the workshop, an overview of schedule risk analysis and project control using EVM and its extensions is given using a mix of lectures, case studies and exercises. Moreover, a future look to the use of big data for monitoring and controlling projects is given. Based on years of research and case investigations, and using real case studies and active-learning processes, the 1 day workshop will introduce you to an integrated methodology using simple as well as advanced control methodologies using big data and artificial intelligence tools, with references to sources in literature and empirical project databases.
The workshop is taught by an expert from universities/business schools in Belgium and the UK who will help you to understand key management practices, risk analysis concepts, enablers and techniques to improve your project monitoring processes. You will understand how the various planning and control concepts are integrated and combined to boost your project performance and ability to timely take corrective actions.
::: Carga Horária e Cronograma
Programação da Agenda | |
Agenda do dia |
8:00 - 9:00 | Credenciamento |
9:00 - 12:30 | workshop |
12:30 - 14:00 | Intervalo Almoço |
14:00 - 17:30 | Workshop |
17:30 - 18:00 | Encerramento |
::: Conteúdo Programático
The participants of this workshop will be able to:
- Understand the use and relevance of schedule risk analysis
- Identify the best performing methodologies to assess a project’s risk
- Access a huge database of empirical projects to apply novel techniques
- Understand the importance of scheduling and risk for use in project control
Understand the main principles of Earned Value Management and its extensions
::: Palestrantes

Mario Vanhoucke
He is responsible for various research projects in the field of Integrated Project Management and Control, which has led to more than 60 papers in international journals, four Project Management books published by Springer, 2 free online books (, three computerized business games and an online learning platform known as PM Knowledge Center ( His research has received multiple awards, including awards from PMI Belgium (Belgium, 2007), International Project Management Association (Italy, 2008) and the American Accounting Association (USA, 2010) and multiple awards from Belgian companies.