Peerasit Patanakul

Dr. Peerasit Pa- tanakul is an Associate Professor of Management at Pennsylvania State University, Erie. His research interests include project port- folio management, multiple project ma- nagement, strategic project management, and managing government projects. He has been engaged in several research projects, including buil- ding a strategic system approach to NASA’s project and program management (a grant from the Cen- ter for Program/Project Management Research, NASA, 2004-2005); effectiveness in project portfolio management (a grant from PMI, 2010-2011); glo- bal perspectives on project, program, and portfolio management in government (a grant from PMI, 2011-2012); and project management processes in the fuzzy front end of new product development (a grant from PMI, 2013-2014). He authored more than 50 publications, including the journal articles that appear in e.g., Journal of Product Innovation Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Engineering and Techno- logy Management, International Journal of Project Management, Project management Journal, and Journal of High Technology Management Resear- ch. He co-authored a book, “Case Studies in Project, Program, and Organizational Project Management,” Wiley, 2010. Dr. Patanakul received his B.E. in Che- mical Engineering from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand; M.S. in Engineering Management; and Ph.D. in Systems Science/Engineering Management from Portland State University, Oregon, USA.