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::: Sobre o Autor

Dr. Aaron J. Shenhar

16 02 2017

Professor de gerenciamento de projetos na utgers Business chool e ark
Pre iousl he as the Institute Professor of Management and the founder of the Project Management Program
at te ens Institute of echnolog e is also the CE of the echnological eadership Institute a consulting and
training compan in technolog and project leadership r henhar holds e academic degrees in engineering and
management from tanford Uni ersit and the echnion in Israel e is the recipient of the Engineering Manager of
the ear A ard of IEEE and the rst PMI esearch Achie ement A ard r henhar accumulated o er ears of
technical and management experience as an executi e in a leading high tech organization in the defense industr in
Israel In his academic career he pu lished o er pu lications in inno ation management project management
and the management of professionals in technolog ased organizations e ser ed as a consultant to leading
high technolog organizations such as M one ell o ones Merck A A BMI iz Clai orne IAI and the U
Arm is recent ook Reinventing Project Management: The Diamond Approach to Successful Growth and Innovation,
Aaron henhar and o ir ar ard Business chool Press as selected among the top e est usiness
ooks of

::: Artigos de Dr. Aaron J. Shenhar