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Curso: Design Project for Impact


Impact-Flow-Leadership: Design Project for Impact


The course is intended to:

  • Change the participants’ attitude regarding focus on impact rather than deliverables. Leadership over systems and trust over control.
  • Gives the participants concrete knowledge about project design methods: Design for impact. Creating flow in the projects. The role of project owner and project leader.
  • Teach participants to use specific methods that ensure impact, flow and leadership in their projects

Learning Objectives

Understand the following:

  • What creates the success project
  • How impact is created in the project process
  • What creates flow and progress in the project

That it is people who create results not the systems or methods • Be able to apply the following methods in their project:

  • Impact Case, Impact Solution Design, Rhythm in Key Events, Visual Planning, Your Personal Leadership Model, Developing Relationships.



  • Design for impact
  • Characteristics of projects and nature of projects
  • Choose design based on the assignment
  • Be in touch with the pulse of your key stakeholders
  • The project master plan
  • Risk management and opportunities
  • Measure and learn. Learn and lead
  • Design, learn and control




Mais detalhes acesse: https://www.projecthalfdouble.dk/en/metoden/


Theoretical background and literature

The course is based on proven project management methods from the books Power in Projects, Programs and Portfolios and Half Double.

Power in Projects, Programs and Portfolios is the best-selling Danish project management book. It highlights the immensely successful Scandinavian approach to leadership within project management and takes a holistic approach to project work and project management.

This authoritative book deals with classic project management disciplines and focuses on the essential link between strategic priorities, any program´s impact and a project’s powerful execution. It takes an in-depth look at areas such as change management, change communication, benefits tracking, program management and portfolio management.

This book offers a large number of practical tools within project management and leadership with online access to concrete and easy-to-use practical tools and templates.


The second book that forms the basis of the course is Half Double

The Half Double methodology is developed in a close collaboration between

3 universities, Implement Consulting Group, 17 companies, and more than 1.400 project practitioners. Half Double is a methodology created through practice, with practice. It has already created proven impact in projects around the globe, delivering on the overall ambition of realizing projects in half the time, with double the impact.

Half Double is an inspiring and practical handbook designed to change your thinking and acting in and with projects. It provides you with hands-on principles, methods and tools to help you realize projects with double the impact in half the time, as well as real life cases to show what it all looks like in practice. A handbook designed to enable you go out and DO it yourself. In essence, the book extends the known agile methods with concrete methods for impact realization, reflective leadership and a strong focus on how people are motivated and perform -it’s all about placing an extreme focus on three core elements:

IMPACT: We execute projects to create impact and we want to reduce the time to impact. The book value impact above scope, cost and time.

FLOW: Project management should focus on creating a fast flow of ideas, learning, results and impacts. The book values flow and progress over resource optimization and multitasking.

LEADERSHIP: Results are created by people. The book puts people before systems and focuses on the importance of an active project owner.


::: Sobre a Inscrição

Inscrição, condições e a forma de pagamento.

• Está incluso no curso – 03 dias:
– 08 horas de aula/dia
– 02 Coffee-break/dia
– Material para as atividades
– Certificado de Participação em Treinamento.

• Formas de Pagamento:
– Boleto bancário
– Débito em conta corrente – via cartão de débito
– Depósito em conta – Banco do Brasil ou Itaú
– Cartão de crédito: VISA, AMEX, MASTER ou DINNERS

• Política de Cancelamento:
– Prazos: a solicitação de reembolso do valor da inscrição é válida somente para requisições recebidas e confirmadas 07 dias úteis anterior a data de realização do evento.
– Valores: em todos os casos incidirá no mínimo sobre o valor do reembolso descontos referentes aos custos de operações das instituições financeiras.
– Limites: cancelamentos motivados por força maior serão exceções tratadas caso a caso, assim como as custas do processo.
– Padrão: todos os direitos do consumidor serão aplicados como base normativa em caso de ressarcimento nesta operação de compra.



Email Vendas: comercial@projectdesignmanagement.com.br

Email Corporativo: treinamentos@mundopm.com.br

Fone: (11) 3661 1550 / (41) 3029 – 9397


::: Carga Horária e Cronograma

Datas e Horário:

O curso será realizado em 03 dias das 8:30 e 17:30 horas.

Intervalos de 15 minutos para coffee-break (período da manhã e a tarde) .


  • São Paulo:  21 a 23 de Fevereiro/2019
  • Curitiba: 26 a 28 de Fevereiro/2019

Revista MundoPM – São Paulo/SP & Curitiba/PR

Carga Horária
Total: 24 horas/aula.

Informações, Inscrições e Certificados
Revista MundoPM.


::: Público Alvo

Target audience

Experienced project managers, program managers and project owners.


Educational principles 

The course is structured to create the maximum impact and is based on the following principles for training and workshops

  • We learn if we want to and feel a need to learn
  • We learn by linking the learning with past, present or future experiences
  • We learn by practicing what we have learned
  • We learn through help and support
  • We learn in an informal but safe environment


::: Pré requisitos

Não há pre requisitos obrigatórios, porém é sugerido familiaridade com o tema planejamento e projetos.

::: Conteúdo Programático

Day 1: Design for impact

  • Active project ownership is needed
  • Perform collaborative project leadership
  • Develop a reflective and adaptive mindset



Introduction, presentation and anticipation

Characteristics and nature of projects

  • Different project types, their characteristics and complexity
  • The project’s business case – we implement projects to achieve impact
  • What characterizes a successful project?

Workshop: The successful project


Choose design based on the assignment

  • Build the impact case to drive behavioral change and business impact
  • Build a hierarchy of objectives distinguishing between deliverables, new competencies, behavioral changes and business impact on short, medium and long term
  • Design your project to deliver impact as soon as possible

Workshop: Impact case

Be in touch with the pulse of your key stakeholders

  • Build the impact case with key stakeholders on a mind setting workshop
  • Stakeholder analysis and stakeholder management
  • Organization of project stakeholders and anchoring of the project in its surroundings
  • What forces is the project up against?
  • What are the different stakeholders’ interests and objectives?
  • Where will conflicts occur and how are they prevented?
  • How are the different stakeholders involved?

Workshop: Stakeholder analysis


Day 2: Design for flow


The project master plan

  • Divide the project into workstreams based on deliveries and impacts
  • Use milestones and sprints to ensure progress
  • Define decision points and stakeholder involvement
  • Set a fixed project heartbeat, create tact and rhythm in the project
  • Divide the budget so you can follow up
  • Increase insight and commitment using visual tools and plans
  • Allocate core team + 50% and assure co-location
  • Develop the plan with the project team and key stakeholders

Workshop:  The master plan


Risk management

  • Risk assessment and incorporation of risk stones in the plan
  • Reduction of probability
  • Reduction of consistency
  • Managing emerging opportunities

Workshop:  Master plan and risk stones

Measure and learn. Learn and lead

  • You get what you measure
  • Follow up and benefit realization
  • Minimize reporting and request documentation

Workshop:  Impact measurement


Day 3: Reflective leadership


Design, learn and control

  • Align project design with your team leaders
  • There are different purposes for different meetings
  • Minimize reporting and request documentation
  • Build trust

Active project ownership is needed

Project owner behavior

  • Own the impact
  • Pave the way for impact and remove unnecessary bureaucracy
  • Ensure resource commitment and +50% allocation of high-caliber people
  • Show up and engage – at least two hours every week
  • Maximum three projects per project owner
  • Understand your project’s strategic importance, understand your own project and build relationships

Workshop:  Leadership upwards, cooperation with project owners


Perform collaborative project leadership

  • Energizes the team and key stakeholders
  • Lead the impact – be hard on impact and flexible on deliverables
  • Facilitate interactions and energize
  • Put people first – create purpose, autonomy, and mastery for the team and key stakeholders

Develop a reflective and adaptive mindset

  • Say yes to the possibilities, accept the mess and adapt to the changing environment
  • Embrace team members and key stakeholders, understand their behavior and act accordingly
  • Know yourself and be reflective in your actions

Workshop: Develop your personal leadership model • What makes people give their very best?

  • Why do you want to lead?
  • What is your personal code of conduct?

What are the essential challenges in this project?

::: Palestrantes

John Ryding Olsson, B.sc & B.com, IPMA B, MSP.

CEO of the startup company airbornleadership.com
John has been a partner at Implement Consulting Group since its foundation in 1996. He participated in forming the company until July 2015. Today, Implement Consulting Group is one of the largest management consultancy firms in Scandinavia with more than 750 employees and offices in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Malmö, Oslo, Zurich and Munich.
For more than 30 years, he worked as a management consultant with focus on project management, innovation and leadership. He has been chairman of the Danish Association for New Product Development, Member of the Board at IPMA Denmark and Assessor at level B.
John is the author of several management books including: Half Double; Power in Projects, Programs and Portfolios; Project leadership -Impact on time; Active Project Management, and New Product Development –at Bang & Olufsen.
John is founder and CEO of the startup company airbornleadership.com. The company’s mission is to create inspiration and support project managers with leadership knowledge through e-learning, e-books and digital tools.